His father is a physicist and his mother is an educational consultant.
He was a member of the school band as a French horn player.
He was subjected to considerable harassment from some of his classmates as he was the only Jewish student.
He admits to smoking heavy amounts of marijuana as an undergrad.
HDH held numerous jobs, including contingency planner for the New Jersey Department of Human Services, contract administrator for City University of New York, puppeteer for children with disabilities, construction worker, caterer, busboy, shelf stocker at Woolworth's, and bartender at a local blue-collar bar, the Franklin Tavern.
He moved to NYC in 1986 to try his hand at the local comedy club circuit but didn’t get on stage until 1987.
He began using his stage name by dropping his last name Liebowitz and changing the spelling of his middle name.
In 1991 he began hosting Comedy Central’s Short Attention Span Theater.
In 1993 he was a finalist to replace David Letterman who was leaving NBC, but Conan O’Brien was hired instead.
Later that year he developed his own show on MTV that became an instant hit. It was the first talk show on MTV and the second rated show behind Bevis & Butthead. It was later cancelled due to poor ratings as a result of having a 2:00 AM timeslot in most areas.
In 1998 he released his first book Naked Pictures of Famous People.
In 1999 he began hosting The Daily Show on Comedy Central and has won a total of nine Emmys as either a writer or a producer.
He married long-time girlfriend Tracey McShane in November 2000 and had their first child Nathan Thomas in 2004. Their second child Maggie Rose was born in 2006.
In 2004 America (The Book), a mock high school history texbook which ended the year as a top 15 best-seller.
In 2006 HDH hosted the 78th Academy Awards.

This weeks Hump Day Hottie is ~ Jon Stewart
Woo hooooo! I love Jon Stewart! He's amazing on there. Did you see him in the movie "The Faculty"? He was one of the faculty members who became possessed by an alien parasite. Hehe.
Good choice, he definitely deserves it.
Yeah! I LOVE Jon Stewart!!! He is hilarious. Although, I have to say that the naked pictures of the Supreme Court Justices in one of his recent books was a little disturbing. :)
yeah he's okay.. I don't watch him.. but he can be funny..
There's a lot to be said about a sense of humor, isn't there? I know many, many women who are completely enthralled with Stew.
Yea! I whole heartedely agree. So very hot. Thank you. Once again, I needed that.
Good choice. Jon Stewart is hot and so funny too. We get the Daily Show over here and I'm addicted!
Haven't been online so much recently so I've missed a fair bit of your blogging. Hope all is good with you, Rachel.
hmmm, good choice~ I especially like the picture you chose.
Rachel, you are officially the HDH queen! You never miss!!
Jon Stewart IS a hottie!!
I get to eat dinner with him every night...sure he is in a huge box of color and light, but it's still dinner, right?
I learned some great stuff about Mr. Stewart via your post. He's so damn cool. I saw his PBS interview last weekend and it made me fall for him even more. There's a great mind inside the jokester which makes him even hotter. Great selection.
he's on my top three wish i could marry list.
Tara ~ I haven't seen that movie. I can't watch really scary movies because they give me nightmares.
Playtah ~ I remember that photo. It was scary. The book was great though.
Babybull40 ~ I only watch The Daily Show occasionally.
Kapgar ~ A sense of humor is my #1 thing.
Churlita ~ Your welcome!
Lydia ~ I am glad that you are back! Everything is well over here in Rachel Land.
mielikki ~ It was the first one in the bunch but I thought it was the best.
not so little woman ~ Wow!! I am humbled..Thanks so much.
Hilly ~ Absolutely. I need to start TiVoing him.
Egan ~ There was so much more that I couldn't fit in there. He is very prolific.
Sizzle ~ Who are the other two?
Great Call.
i've always liked the way he spells his first name.
he's a very funny and talented person, but he bombed at the Oscars. he kept banging his hands on the podium. it works on his tv show, but it crashed and burned that night.
Hottie hottie hot hot hot! I LOVE Jon Stewart. I feel better getting the news from him than from anyone else.
I used to think he was funny. He seems to have started taking himself a bit too seriously of late. He is OK in my book, but just OK.
I'm so not used to Jon's without the H. I have to catch myself spelling this version of the name at times to make sure the H is not there.
David In DC ~ Thanks!
Minijonb ~ Thought you might like that one.
l.b. ~ You don't think he is really that hot do you? lol
evil-e ~ Where do I rank in that book??
dmarks ~ I have gotten used to it with being friends with minijonb and all.
Prolific is one way to put it.
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