Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Double Take Bumper Sticker

I was driving to work today and I saw this bumper sticker:

I don't know why, but this gave me the heeby jeebies. I know that many women breast feed and I breast fed Devon, but who wants to advertise that to the entire world?

To me, when I breast fed Devon it was a private, almost sacred thing that I was doing. It was an incredibly intimate, bonding experience that I wouldn't want to flout to the world.

I don't mean that you should be ashamed that you are breast feeding, but lets be honest. If you have that sticker on your car the first thing that people are going to do when you get out of your car is check out your boobs.

Have you ever seen a bumper sticker or sign that made you feel uncomfortable?


Churlita said...

Bumper stickers make me uncomfortable in general.

Mrs. Hairy Woman said...

I have yet to see a bumper sticker that makes me uncomfortable.. I thought that was kinda funny.. I think that's why it was there.... I breast fed Mr.Giggles.. but I'm not ashamed of it and didn't hide the fact that I did.. I wasn't all out there with it either..Some women are all out and showing it off.. To each's own I suppose..

Anonymous said...

I have nothing against breast feeding but that bumper sticker is gross.

I'm another person that gets the heebies from all bumper stickers. I don't like them at all!

FifthBeatle said...

If you're a guy you're pretty going to check out the female's rack when she gets out of the car anyway, whether she's got the "Got Breatmilk" bumper sticker or not!

And I'm not sure most girls don't like that :)

Skyzi said...

Honk if you're horny bumper sticker. Gives me the heebies.

laura b. said...

I tend to think bumper stickers are sort of a bad idea to begin with. That one doesn't bother me so much. I am always tempted to ram into people still proudly sporting their "W'04" stickers...

Anonymous said...

Sad part is there is an entire sector of the weird fetish world that is exclusively dedicated to this.

I used to get mad at the "Mean People Suck" bumper stickers.(I took it personally) At the same time, that sticker made it easy for me to cut them off because they were too nice to do anything about it.

David in DC said...

I hate those "My kid is an honor roll student at _____" bumper stickers.

I've seen two responses I loved.

1) At Corpus Christi School, We Honor ALL Our Students.

2) My Kid Can Beat Up Your Honor Roll Student.

Obviously, Corpus Christi has the right idea. But I gotta admit, the "beat up" sticker made me laugh when I saw it.

Eric said...

I don't know if this makes me fell uncomfortable, but I find it hilarious so I'll mention it anyway. Baltimore has these signs everywhere, an all black background with the word "Believe" in all caps, big white letters. I think it's a campaign to help promote pride in Baltimore. As a result the slogan has made it's way to bumper stickers throughout the city. In response to that I've seen a few cars with bumper stickers that say with the same design that say "Pretend". This really cracks me up for some reason. Maybe it's just me.

Anonymous said...

I saw one that said, "if you are going to ride my a$$ then at least pull my hair." I thought that was an interesting sticker to see.

egan said...

This bumpersticker doesn't surprise me in the least bit.

M said...

okay..I'm about to be very unpopular but the "baby on board" "child on board" stickers shit me to tears. I seriously want to ram my car up their rear!

Anonymous said...

I saw one that said "evolution is science fiction"...and i just wondered if the woman driving realized how unintelligent she was making herself look...

Anonymous said...

I came across this bumper sticker when I was googling breastfeeding bumper stickers. And I actually LOVE it! I am trying to find a sticker for my car to support breastfeeding. I think that this is kinda what is wrong with the world today, to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding! Whether you believe in God, or not, breastfeeding is what we were given to feed our babies. Not man made bottles and formula. I am proud that I breastfeed. Maybe if more mom's had breastfeeding stickers and nursed in public then it wouldn't be so uncomfortable anymore. Even my hubby has no problem with me getting a breastfeeding bumper sticker on the car we both drive. Just wanted to give my opinion ; )