This used to be my favorite photo pre- WW (weighed approx 285-290 pounds) . Some time in 2006.
This is as close to a full body shot that I have at about the same weight. We were both laughing.
This was my birthday in October 2007. I had lost 40 pounds. Weight was about 247.

Here I am again at my pre-ww weight (ignore the horrific eyeshadow) and me taking a photo when I had lost 50 pounds in the same outfit. Left photo approx 285-190/ Right photo approx 235-240 pounds.
Here I am in March of 2008. I was feeling very sexy that night. Weight was 219 pounds.
Another one from the same night.
75 pounds down. Posing with my WW leader Lisa in April 2008
Just another 5 pounds down.... Current weight approx 207. End of April 2008
Now for some reason I don't have any photos of me available right now (not at home) so i will start again showing my photos where I am at around 185.... Lost 102 pounds.

Here I am on my birthday October 2008. I was home for my Nana's funeral but made my best effort. Current weight was 175. Total lost 111.

And here we are at the end... These photos were taken today by my best friend Wendy with her iPhone.... Current weight 163. Total lost 123 pounds.

WOW! you look fantastic! congratulations! you've really done a great job.
Thanks for posting! I love to see weight loss doccumented in pictures. I've recently been looking at my pre-WW photos so I cna keep in mind how far I've come. I'm frustrated lately being so close to the doctor's goal and just not quite getting there. Not a race right??
I so look forward to your blog posts! Can't wait for the next one.
I'll say it again, you look gorgeous at any weight, but I'm glad you have a healthy lifestyle now and seem to feel really good about yourself - that is the most important thing.
You are so beautiful. You were at every weight, but now YOU feel beautiful, and feeling healthy gives you a glow no makeup can.
I am so impressed by your determination and dedication. I'm betting that Devon is, too, and everyone in your circle there (which, as much as I love where I live now, I wish included me because I would LOVE being your friend.)
Congratulations, beautiful chica. I'm so happy for you.
HOLY CRAP! You look A~M~A~Z~I~N~G!
Seriously, what an amazing journey you've gone through and thanks for having the balls to share it (I especially liked that side-by-side pic).
I'm trying to knock off 10 pounds but the results aren't going to be as wonderfully dramatic as yours.
Congrats Rachel, I am SO very proud (and envious) of you and all your hard work!!!!
BTW - I know weight can be deceiving, but you honestly don't look like you weigh 163. If I saw your pic, I would peg you at my weight, 135!
Wow! You are truly an inspiration and an example of strong will power. Congrats, you look fantastic!
Great job! Now where's the bikini shot? :)
Always beautiful, now feeling great AND beautiful. What an amazing job you've done.
Holy CRAP! You have lost almost an entire person and look great.
KEEP IT UP. Never quit.
Change your routine up and start lifting weights. The muscle will burn more calories.
You deserve an award. Unreal.
Wasn't I the inspiration behind this ;0) ?
You dropped a crap load of weight women. You look good.
Rachel - That is some accomplishment. I know it couldn't have been easy, but it must make you feel great!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I was wondering about you. I know this is an old post, but Hi anyway!
In that last photo, you sort of look like me.
So now, you probably look better than me.
You look amazing and so confident in all the pictures..
You have really achieved your goal.. Way to go! Congrats on all your hard work..!!!!!
Congratulations Rachel! You are truly an inspiration and I thank you for sharing your story, my stats are like yours and this helps me on wl journey! You look amazing!
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